Maslenitsa Island

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House of Kramsky

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And between the blue forests, in the light of the silver mountains, my love wanders

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The artwork “Hydrangeas” is a delightful composition that celebrates the beauty of these enchanting flowers. The painting features a cluster of hydrangea blooms arranged harmoniously within the frame. The artist has skillfully captured the essence of these flowers, emphasizing their lushness and intricate details.

The hydrangeas come alive in a mesmerizing palette of colors. Shades of white, blue, and pink dominate the composition. Each petal is meticulously rendered, creating a sense of texture and depth. The leaves, in varying shades of green, provide a natural backdrop.

The muted background complements the vibrant hydrangeas. It appears to be a blend of gray and brown tones, allowing the flowers to take center stage. The understated background enhances the overall composition.

The artwork evokes a sense of tranquility and appreciation for nature. Whether displayed in a gallery or a cozy corner of a home, “Hydrangeas” invites viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the floral splendor.

The artwork “Hydrangeas” is a delightful composition that celebrates the beauty of these enchanting flowers. The painting features a cluster of hydrangea blooms arranged harmoniously within the frame. The artist […]

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In a realm where time stands still, two figures intertwine—an eternal embrace that transcends mere mortal existence. Here, whispers of love and longing paint the canvas, and every stroke carries the weight of eternity.

On the left, a figure with flowing crimson hair stands poised. Her form elongated, as if reaching for the heavens. She wears a simple white gown—a canvas for the emotions that swirl within her.

Opposite her, a shadowed silhouette. His features remain elusive, yet his presence is palpable. His attire—darker, mysterious—hints at secrets held close.

A delicate garland of pink roses encircles them. Each petal holds whispered promises—of passion, devotion, and fragility. These blooms, like their love, bloom anew with each dawn.

Amidst the roses, verdant leaves weave a protective canopy. They symbolize growth, resilience—the quiet strength that sustains love through seasons.

Neither figure reveals their eyes. Perhaps they’ve glimpsed eternity and found solace in the darkness. Or maybe their love transcends mere sight.

This artwork exists beyond minutes and hours. It’s a heartbeat suspended, a whispered promise that echoes across lifetimes.

And so, dear viewer, linger. Let your heart weave its own narrative. Perhaps you’ve known such love—a love that transcends time, that dances on the edge of eternity.

In a realm where time stands still, two figures intertwine—an eternal embrace that transcends mere mortal existence. Here, whispers of love and longing paint the canvas, and every stroke carries […]

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Madame Arcimboldo

In a world where still life meets surreal imagination, behold “Madame Arcimboldo” This captivating piece defies convention, merging the ordinary with the extraordinary.

Our protagonist stands tall, her form both elegant and unexpected. She defies the traditional still life genre by being more than an observer—she is an active participant.

The backdrop, intentionally muted, directs our gaze to the central composition. It’s as if the artist whispered, “Look closely; magic lies here.”

Eyes are absent, leaving room for interpretation. Instead, focus on her lips—the gateway to taste and expression.

Her earrings dangle like ripe fruit—tiny pomegranates or cherries. They sway with each movement, echoing the bowl’s bounty.

In a world where still life meets surreal imagination, behold “Madame Arcimboldo” This captivating piece defies convention, merging the ordinary with the extraordinary. Our protagonist stands tall, her form both […]

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In a moon-kissed glade, where reality and dreams entwine, stands our ethereal protagonist. She is a vision of otherworldly beauty, her presence a delicate dance between magic and melancholy.

Cascading like a silken waterfall, her hair flows in gentle waves, catching the moonlight. Each strand whispers secrets of forgotten constellations.

Adorning her head, a wreath of celestial blooms—forget-me-nots, moonflowers, and stardust-dusted roses. Their petals shimmer with cosmic hues.

Around her, an ephemeral aura pulses—a dance of fireflies and whispered wishes. It weaves through the air, leaving trails of luminescence.

The canvas behind is a cosmic tapestry. A crescent moon hangs low, its silver curve cradling dreams. Stars—diamonds flung across the velvet sky—form constellations known only to her.

This is twilight magic—the moment when reality blurs, and imagination takes flight. She exists at the edge of sleep, where wishes are spun into existence.

Let your heart unfurl like a fragile moth drawn to moonlight. For within this artwork lies a portal—to realms unseen, to the dance of stardust, and to the ache of beauty too vast for mortal hearts

In a moon-kissed glade, where reality and dreams entwine, stands our ethereal protagonist. She is a vision of otherworldly beauty, her presence a delicate dance between magic and melancholy. Cascading […]

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Memories of Rogoznica

The central focus of the piece is a majestic tree, its branches sprawling across the canvas. Each branch seems to tell a story, dividing the background into distinct sections.

A scene reminiscent of a Croatian town unfolds. Traditional buildings with red-tiled roofs and charming architecture populate the area. In the distance, a church stands tall, its twin spires reaching for the sky.

On the opposite side, we find a balcony overlooking more buildings. The lush greenery surrounding them suggests a harmonious coexistence between nature and human habitation.

The artist pays attention to detail, capturing the essence of everyday life in this town.

Overall, this artwork invites us to explore the interplay between nature, architecture, and human existence. It’s a celebration of community, history, and the beauty found in everyday moments.

The central focus of the piece is a majestic tree, its branches sprawling across the canvas. Each branch seems to tell a story, dividing the background into distinct sections. A […]

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Eliza`s walnut trees

The scene unfolds in the heart of autumn, where nature’s palette transforms into warm, earthy tones.

A weathered wooden house stands at the center of the composition. Its timeworn appearance suggests a history—a place that has witnessed seasons come and go. The house exudes a sense of resilience, standing firm against the elements.

The house is nestled amidst a grove of trees. Their leaves have transitioned from vibrant greens to warm reds and oranges. The foliage creates a cozy cocoon around the dwelling, shielding it from the outside world.

The painting technique is textured and impasto. Thick applications of paint give depth and dimension to the scene. We can almost feel the roughness of the wooden planks and the bark on the trees. The tactile quality invites us to run our fingers over the canvas.

In this serene countryside scene, time seems to slow down. We imagine the scent of fallen leaves, the crackling of a fireplace, and the distant call of birds. The artist has captured the essence of autumn—a season of reflection, harvest, and quiet beauty.

The scene unfolds in the heart of autumn, where nature’s palette transforms into warm, earthy tones. A weathered wooden house stands at the center of the composition. Its timeworn appearance […]

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Apple Savior

The composition features a still life arrangement, centered around a vase adorned with an array of flowers. The backdrop is a soothing pastel hue, creating a serene atmosphere. The central focus of the artwork, the vase stands tall and elegant. Its contours suggest a classic design, perhaps made of porcelain or glass.

The bouquet within the vase is a delightful mix of blooms. We see delicate petals, vibrant colors, and varied shapes. Some flowers spill over the rim, adding a touch of natural abundance.

The soft pastel background complements the floral arrangement. It could be a wall, a tablecloth, or an abstract surface. The gentle tones evoke tranquility and balance.

The artist’s brushwork is expressive and fluid. Loose strokes capture the vitality of the flowers, emphasizing movement and life.

Soft greens, blues, pinks, and purples dominate the palette. These colors evoke feelings of calmness and harmony. The interplay of light and shadow adds depth.

Overall, this artwork celebrates the beauty of nature, inviting viewers to appreciate the ephemeral grace of flowers.

The composition features a still life arrangement, centered around a vase adorned with an array of flowers. The backdrop is a soothing pastel hue, creating a serene atmosphere. The central […]

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The first pear

The painting is an abstract composition featuring a vibrant bouquet of flowers in an ornate vase. The vase, with its blue and pink pattern, sits on a surface that appears to be rendered in blocks of purple, brown, and red hues. The background is a mix of soft pastel colors with visible brush strokes adding depth to the composition. A single green pear rests beside the vase, providing a contrast in both color and form to the rounded shape of the vase. The flowers are depicted with an array of warm colors like orange, pink, yellow, and red with specks of white that suggest light reflecting off their petals. The use of color is bold and expressive, creating an energetic yet harmonious feel to the piece.

Overall, this artwork invites viewers to appreciate its dynamic colors, intricate details, and the interplay between abstraction and representation.

The painting is an abstract composition featuring a vibrant bouquet of flowers in an ornate vase. The vase, with its blue and pink pattern, sits on a surface that appears […]

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Tangerine branch

The painting is an abstract composition featuring a vibrant bouquet of flowers in a vase. The artist has used bold, expressive brushstrokes to depict the flowers in shades of orange, red, and green. Against a pale background with splashes of white, the bouquet stands out, drawing the viewer’s attention. The vase itself is detailed, adorned with intricate blue patterns, and it rests on a surface with blue and white stripes. At the bottom right corner of the painting, there are three pear-shaped forms in green and yellow tones, adding an interesting contrast to the overall composition.

The dynamic colors and textures create a visually stimulating experience, and the juxtaposition of the detailed vase with the abstracted floral forms adds depth and intrigue to the artwork. Overall, it’s a captivating piece that invites interpretation and appreciation.

The painting is an abstract composition featuring a vibrant bouquet of flowers in a vase. The artist has used bold, expressive brushstrokes to depict the flowers in shades of orange, […]

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Summer evening

Let’s delve into the details of this captivating artwork:

The painting is an abstract composition that bursts forth with vibrant energy. At its center, a profusion of floral elements takes shape, rendered in shades of pink, orange, and white. These flowers, while not depicted in a realistic manner, come alive through expressive brushstrokes and dynamic splashes of color. Some petals appear to be meticulously detailed with dots and smaller markings, adding texture and depth to the overall composition.

Contrasting with the organic forms above, the lower part of the painting features a geometric section. Here, vertical blue and white stripes intersect, creating a sense of structure and balance. The dark green and blue hues of the background enhance the visual impact, providing a rich backdrop for the floral explosion.

Overall, this artwork exudes vitality and growth, inviting viewers to explore its intricate layers and celebrate the beauty of abstraction

Let’s delve into the details of this captivating artwork: The painting is an abstract composition that bursts forth with vibrant energy. At its center, a profusion of floral elements takes […]

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The artwork titled “Pears” is a captivating piece that features two stylized pears against a speckled beige background. The pears are composed of intricate patterns made up of small shapes and symbols, including what appear to be letters and punctuation marks, creating a textured mosaic effect. One pear is predominantly white with black patterns, while the other combines white with shades of brown and hints of blue. Each pear has a leaf attached to its stem; one leaf is yellow with spots, and the other is yellow with a pattern similar to that on the pears. The lower left corner has a section with a blue background and polka dots where another yellow spotted leaf rests. This image is interesting due to its use of text-like elements to form an image, showcasing an interplay between visual art and typography.

The artwork titled “Pears” is a captivating piece that features two stylized pears against a speckled beige background. The pears are composed of intricate patterns made up of small shapes […]

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The artwork titled “Irises” is a captivating piece that features a close-up depiction of two iris flowers. One iris is rendered in shades of purple, while the other is portrayed in shades of blue. The background consists of various green tones, suggesting foliage. What makes this piece intriguing is its textured appearance and the use of a mosaic-like technique, which gives it a pixelated effect. This technique creates depth and dimensionality, making the irises appear vibrant and lively against the contrasting greenery. Overall, “Irises” exudes a sense of natural beauty and artistic creativity.

The artwork titled “Irises” is a captivating piece that features a close-up depiction of two iris flowers. One iris is rendered in shades of purple, while the other is portrayed […]

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In this captivating oil painting, the canvas bursts forth with the exuberance of summer. A lush bouquet of flowers takes center stage, their petals unfurling in a riot of colors — pinks, yellows, purples, and blues. The brushstrokes are textured and expressive, capturing the essence of nature’s vibrancy. Fluttering butterflies dance around the blooms, infusing the scene with movement and life. It’s as if the warmth of August has been immortalized on canvas, inviting viewers to revel in the season’s brilliance.

In this captivating oil painting, the canvas bursts forth with the exuberance of summer. A lush bouquet of flowers takes center stage, their petals unfurling in a riot of colors […]

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Generous October

Let’s distill the essence of “Generous October,” an exquisite oil painting that celebrates autumnal abundance:

Floral Extravaganza: bursting with chrysanthemums, dahlias, and asters, the canvas sings in warm reds, purples, and whites, dynamic brushstrokes infuse petals with life, against a dramatic dark backdrop.

The bouquet spills over, defying containment, as if plucked from a wild garden, leaves twist and curl, hinting at changing seasons.

Warm tones evoke crisp fall air — a fragrant stroll through sun-kissed gardens.

Let’s distill the essence of “Generous October,” an exquisite oil painting that celebrates autumnal abundance: Floral Extravaganza: bursting with chrysanthemums, dahlias, and asters, the canvas sings in warm reds, purples, […]

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In this vibrant canvas, autumn weaves its tapestry — a symphony of colors and textures. Sunflowers stand tall, their golden faces turned toward the sun. A plump pumpkin commands attention, while grape clusters drape elegantly. Brushstrokes mimic rustling leaves, inviting you to savor life’s fleeting beauty.

In this vibrant canvas, autumn weaves its tapestry — a symphony of colors and textures. Sunflowers stand tall, their golden faces turned toward the sun. A plump pumpkin commands attention, […]

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Summer day

In the quietude of dawn, where the sun kisses the world awake, there lies a coastal haven — an artist’s canvas that whispers tales of tranquility. A scene suspended between reality and reverie, where the brushstrokes of Tetiana Mohylat breathe life into nature’s symphony.


The sun, a golden orb, spills its warmth upon the pebbled shore. Here, a small boat rests, its wooden hull cradled by the gentle waves. Each ripple carries secrets — the echoes of fishermen’s laughter, the whispered promises of seafarers, and the timeless dance of tides.

Beyond the shoreline, a rugged promontory thrusts forth—a sentinel of emerald cliffs. Verdant greenery clings to its rocky face, defying the salt-laden winds. At its pinnacle, a solitary pine stands sentinel, its branches reaching for the cerulean sky.

And oh, those distant mountains! Their peaks pierce the heavens, their snow-capped crowns kissed by the same sun that warms our boat. They guard the horizon, steadfast and eternal, their jagged profiles etched against the azure canvas.

The sea, a palette of blues, shifts with each breath of wind. It cradles memories — the laughter of children collecting seashells, lovers tracing heart shapes in the sand, and the whispered prayers of sailors seeking safe passage.

This painting invites us to linger — to feel the warmth of sun-kissed pebbles beneath our feet, to listen to the lullaby of waves, and to lose ourselves in the serenity of this coastal sanctuary.

In the quietude of dawn, where the sun kisses the world awake, there lies a coastal haven — an artist’s canvas that whispers tales of tranquility. A scene suspended between […]

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Flowers in the garden

The image depicts a vibrant bouquet of flowers. The flowers showcase a variety of colors including pink, white, and shades of yellow and red. They are thoughtfully arranged in a dark vase, creating a striking contrast against the brightly colored petals. The background of the painting – garden – features an abstract blend of greens, blues, and yellows, suggesting foliage and light without detailed depiction.

This beautiful floral artwork might appeal to those who appreciate floral artistry or are studying painting techniques such as color blending and brushwork. 🌸🎨

The image depicts a vibrant bouquet of flowers. The flowers showcase a variety of colors including pink, white, and shades of yellow and red. They are thoughtfully arranged in a […]

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Tribute to Mestrovic 3



About the author

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

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Tribute to Mestrovic 2



About the author

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

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Tribute to Mestrovic 1



About the author

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

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The sea. Kairos

Canvas, coal, acrylic  80 x 100 cm


Born 07.12.1975 | Kiyv | Ukraine
1987 – 1994 Taras Shevchenko RSA, painting classes | Kiyv | Ukraine
1994 – 2000 National Academy of Art and Architecture, theatrical department | Kiyv | Ukraine 1997 – scholarship in University of Granada | Granada |Spain

Flowers from Rogoznica

Canvas, coal, acrylic  80 x 100 cm


Born 07.12.1975 | Kiyv | Ukraine
1987 – 1994 Taras Shevchenko RSA, painting classes | Kiyv | Ukraine
1994 – 2000 National Academy of Art and Architecture, theatrical department | Kiyv | Ukraine 1997 – scholarship in University of Granada | Granada |Spain

Swimming pool 2

Canvas, acrylic   100х80 


Born in 1962, Kyiv.
Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the Blue October creative team. He has regularly exhibited solo in Kyiv since 1997 and participated in group exhibitions in Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, France, Georgia, Switzerland, Greece, and Bulgaria. His works have found their way to the collections of the National Museum “Kyiv Painting Gallery”, the Art Museum of Zaporizhia and the Art Museum of Kherson, Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Living and working in Kyiv.

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Swimming pool 1

Canvas, acrylic   100х80 


Born in 1962, Kyiv.
Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the Blue October creative team. He has regularly exhibited solo in Kyiv since 1997 and participated in group exhibitions in Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, France, Georgia, Switzerland, Greece, and Bulgaria. His works have found their way to the collections of the National Museum “Kyiv Painting Gallery”, the Art Museum of Zaporizhia and the Art Museum of Kherson, Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Living and working in Kyiv.

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LOOK! Sunset

Canvas, acrylic   100×80


Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage Design, Studio D.Leader).
Member of the National Ukrainian Artists’ Union.
Since 2012, Pryduvalova has been a founding member of the Blue October (“Syniy Zhovten’ “) creative team.
Living and working in Kyiv.

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STOP! Croatia

Canvas, acrylic  



Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage Design, Studio D.Leader).
Member of the National Ukrainian Artists’ Union.
Since 2012, Pryduvalova has been a founding member of the Blue October (“Syniy Zhovten’ “) creative team.
Living and working in Kyiv.

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Sunny Mermaid from the Dnipro on Šibenik Street

Canvas, coal, acrylic  80 x 100 cm


About the author

Born 07.12.1975 | Kiyv | Ukraine
1987 – 1994 Taras Shevchenko RSA, painting classes | Kiyv | Ukraine
1994 – 2000 National Academy of Art and Architecture, theatrical department | Kiyv | Ukraine 1997 – scholarship in University of Granada | Granada |Spain

The sky. Galerija Meštrović

Canvas, coal, acrylic  80 x 100 cm

The painting depicts a vibrant and detailed landscape under a dynamic sky. It features a grand, open pathway flanked by symmetrical classical structures, possibly pavilions, adorned with greenery. The pathway leads the viewer’s eye toward the distant horizon where a calm sea meets the sky.

The sky itself is a vivid blue with an expanse of dramatic white clouds that add a sense of depth and movement to the scene. The play of light and shadow, along with the use of bright, saturated colors, gives the painting a lively, almost surreal quality.

About the author

Born 07.12.1975 | Kiyv | Ukraine
1987 – 1994 Taras Shevchenko RSA, painting classes | Kiyv | Ukraine
1994 – 2000 National Academy of Art and Architecture, theatrical department | Kiyv | Ukraine 1997 – scholarship in University of Granada | Granada |Spain


Canvas acrylic

Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage Design, Studio D.Leader).
Member of the National Ukrainian Artists’ Union.
Since 2012, Pryduvalova has been a founding member of the Blue October (“Syniy Zhovten’ “) creative team.
Living and working in Kyiv.

Canvas acrylic 150x100cm 2021 Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage […]

Still life-Carpet “Holiday dinner”

Canvas acrylic

Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage Design, Studio D.Leader).
Member of the National Ukrainian Artists’ Union.
Since 2012, Pryduvalova has been a founding member of the Blue October (“Syniy Zhovten’ “) creative team.
Living and working in Kyiv.

Canvas acrylic 130x100cm 2015 Born in 1960 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 1986 she graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (faculty of Painting, Department of Theatre Stage […]

Mountain flowers

Canvas acrylic 120×100 2023

Born in 1962, Kyiv.
Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the Blue October creative team. He has regularly exhibited solo in Kyiv since 1997 and participated in group exhibitions in Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, France, Georgia, Switzerland, Greece, and Bulgaria. His works have found their way to the collections of the National Museum “Kyiv Painting Gallery”, the Art Museum of Zaporizhia and the Art Museum of Kherson, Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Living and working in Kyiv.

Canvas acrylic 120×100 2023 Born in 1962, Kyiv. Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the […]

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Mountain flowers

Canvas acrylic 120×100 2023

Born in 1962, Kyiv.
Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the Blue October creative team. He has regularly exhibited solo in Kyiv since 1997 and participated in group exhibitions in Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, France, Georgia, Switzerland, Greece, and Bulgaria. His works have found their way to the collections of the National Museum “Kyiv Painting Gallery”, the Art Museum of Zaporizhia and the Art Museum of Kherson, Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Living and working in Kyiv.

Canvas acrylic 120×100 2023 Born in 1962, Kyiv. Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in 1986. Since 2012, Apollonov has been a founding member of the […]

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2018 canvas/oil  130/80cm

Olga Soloviova is an award-winning painter based in Ukraine who has exhibited her works nationally, as well as in the Ukraine, United States, Croatia, Turkey, and Slovakia. For her, transferring feeling onto canvas is of the utmost importance. Soloviova’s expressive landscapes, still-lifes, and whimsical figurative compositions are created in what she refers to as “plastic realism”. She paints using watercolors and oils on canvas or paper.

Olga is a graduated from Donetsk State Art School (study period: 1980-1984) and the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture from the faculty of monumental painting, M. Storozhenka studio (study period: 1989-1996).The artist has been an active participant in all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions, art residences since 1991. Since 1998, a member of the All-Ukrainian creative union of artists “BJ-Art”. Since 2005, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. From 2007, she taught painting at the Kyiv Academy of Arts since.

Olga was the main artist in the well-known movie «Safo», painted two dozen unique artworks for the movie.

She successfully presented more than two dozen personal projects and took part in dozens collective exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, published in magazines and catalogs. Her works in a private collections in Ukraine, USA, Japan, China, France, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, United Kingdom, Cayman Islands, Croatia.

2018 canvas/oil  130/80cm Olga Soloviova is an award-winning painter based in Ukraine who has exhibited her works nationally, as well as in the Ukraine, United States, Croatia, Turkey, and Slovakia. […]

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2013 canvas/oil

Olga Soloviova is an award-winning painter based in Ukraine who has exhibited her works nationally, as well as in the Ukraine, United States, Croatia, Turkey, and Slovakia. For her, transferring feeling onto canvas is of the utmost importance. Soloviova’s expressive landscapes, still-lifes, and whimsical figurative compositions are created in what she refers to as “plastic realism”. She paints using watercolors and oils on canvas or paper.

Olga is a graduated from Donetsk State Art School (study period: 1980-1984) and the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture from the faculty of monumental painting, M. Storozhenka studio (study period: 1989-1996).The artist has been an active participant in all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions, art residences since 1991. Since 1998, a member of the All-Ukrainian creative union of artists “BJ-Art”. Since 2005, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. From 2007, she taught painting at the Kyiv Academy of Arts since.

Olga was the main artist in the well-known movie «Safo», painted two dozen unique artworks for the movie.

She successfully presented more than two dozen personal projects and took part in dozens collective exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, published in magazines and catalogs. Her works in a private collections in Ukraine, USA, Japan, China, France, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, United Kingdom, Cayman Islands, Croatia.

2013 canvas/oil Olga Soloviova is an award-winning painter based in Ukraine who has exhibited her works nationally, as well as in the Ukraine, United States, Croatia, Turkey, and Slovakia. For […]

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2021 oil on canvas, 80/100сm

Volodymyr Bovkun

Ukrainian painter and sculptor.

Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1986.

Works in domain of painting and graphics, during his career had 20 personal exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, participated in more than 15 group exhibitions (Great Britain, USA, Austria, France). The works of Volodymyr Bovkun are in the museums and private collections all over the world, such as permanent exhibition of Norton Dodge Collection (Washington) and in the collection of Parliament.

2021 oil on canvas, 80/100сm Volodymyr Bovkun Ukrainian painter and sculptor. Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of […]

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2021 oil on canvas, 80/100сm

Volodymyr Bovkun

Ukrainian painter and sculptor.

Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1986.

Works in domain of painting and graphics, during his career had 20 personal exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, participated in more than 15 group exhibitions (Great Britain, USA, Austria, France). The works of Volodymyr Bovkun are in the museums and private collections all over the world, such as permanent exhibition of Norton Dodge Collection (Washington) and in the collection of Parliament.

2021 oil on canvas, 80/100сm Volodymyr Bovkun Ukrainian painter and sculptor. Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of […]

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2014. Oil on canvas, 145/125cm

Volodymyr Bovkun

Ukrainian painter and sculptor.

Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1986.

Works in domain of painting and graphics, during his career had 20 personal exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, participated in more than 15 group exhibitions (Great Britain, USA, Austria, France). The works of Volodymyr Bovkun are in the museums and private collections all over the world, such as permanent exhibition of Norton Dodge Collection (Washington) and in the collection of Parliament.

2014. Oil on canvas, 145/125cm Volodymyr Bovkun Ukrainian painter and sculptor. Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of […]

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2022, oil on canvas, 140/120сm

Volodymyr Bovkun

Ukrainian painter and sculptor.

Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1986.

Works in domain of painting and graphics, during his career had 20 personal exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, participated in more than 15 group exhibitions (Great Britain, USA, Austria, France). The works of Volodymyr Bovkun are in the museums and private collections all over the world, such as permanent exhibition of Norton Dodge Collection (Washington) and in the collection of Parliament.

2022, oil on canvas, 140/120сm Volodymyr Bovkun Ukrainian painter and sculptor. Lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv State Art Institute, the studio of T. Yablonska. Member of […]

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2019, 100/100cm, acrylic on canvas

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

2019, 100/100cm, acrylic on canvas Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. […]

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2023, 100/80cm, acrylic on canvas

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

2023, 100/80cm, acrylic on canvas Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. […]

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2023, 90/70cm, acrylic on canvas

2023, 90/70cm, acrylic on canvas

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2019, 100/100cm, acrylic on canvas

Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The professоr of art in the National Academy of arts and architecture. Lives and works in Ukraine, Kyiv.

2019, 100/100cm, acrylic on canvas Born 17 the March 1962. Graduated the graphics faculty of the Kyiv State Art Institute in 1990. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. […]

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Graphics, paper,pencil

Year – 2017

“Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to clay, hold it in your hands, give it shape, breathe life into it. When a painter works, it’s dif erent, it’s more dif icult for him, he doesn’t draw a diagram, he can’t just transfer a schedule to the canvas”

He studied at the Uzhhorod School of Decorative and Applied Arts and the Kyiv State Art Institute (now the National Academy of Arts and Crafts), in Vronskyi’s studio. As a student, he was compared to the famous French artist Henri Matisse. After graduating, he spent 5 years in solitude. Before coming to sculpture, the artist tried many media: different genres of painting and graphic arts techniques. That is why Suholit’s sculptures are polychrome and surprisingly “graphic”.

Oleksandr’s work occupies a prominent place in contemporary Ukrainian art, he is called the “Ukrainian Picasso”. His paintings, his graphic and sculptural works are in private collections all around the world.

72/44cm Graphics, paper,pencil Year – 2017 “Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to […]

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Graphics, paper,pencil

Year – 2017

“Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to clay, hold it in your hands, give it shape, breathe life into it. When a painter works, it’s dif erent, it’s more dif icult for him, he doesn’t draw a diagram, he can’t just transfer a schedule to the canvas”

He studied at the Uzhhorod School of Decorative and Applied Arts and the Kyiv State Art Institute (now the National Academy of Arts and Crafts), in Vronskyi’s studio. As a student, he was compared to the famous French artist Henri Matisse. After graduating, he spent 5 years in solitude. Before coming to sculpture, the artist tried many media: different genres of painting and graphic arts techniques. That is why Suholit’s sculptures are polychrome and surprisingly “graphic”.

Oleksandr’s work occupies a prominent place in contemporary Ukrainian art, he is called the “Ukrainian Picasso”. His paintings, his graphic and sculptural works are in private collections all around the world.

61/45cm Graphics, paper,pencil Year – 2017 “Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to […]

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Year – 2021

“Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to clay, hold it in your hands, give it shape, breathe life into it. When a painter works, it’s dif erent, it’s more dif icult for him, he doesn’t draw a diagram, he can’t just transfer a schedule to the canvas”

He studied at the Uzhhorod School of Decorative and Applied Arts and the Kyiv State Art Institute (now the National Academy of Arts and Crafts), in Vronskyi’s studio. As a student, he was compared to the famous French artist Henri Matisse. After graduating, he spent 5 years in solitude. Before coming to sculpture, the artist tried many media: different genres of painting and graphic arts techniques. That is why Suholit’s sculptures are polychrome and surprisingly “graphic”.

Oleksandr’s work occupies a prominent place in contemporary Ukrainian art, he is called the “Ukrainian Picasso”. His paintings, his graphic and sculptural works are in private collections all around the world.

31/13/13cm Bronze Year – 2021 “Creating a sculpture is actually a bodily touch. Yes, you look at the image with your eyes, scan it, and then transfer it to clay, […]

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111 x 111 cm

Canvas, oil paintings, coal

Year – 2021

111 x 111 cm Canvas, oil paintings, coal Year – 2021


105 x 175 cm

Canvas, oil paintings, coal

Year – 2018

105 x 175 cm Canvas, oil paintings, coal Year – 2018


105 x 175 cm

Canvas, oil paintings, coal

Year – 2018

105 x 175 cm Canvas, oil paintings, coal Year – 2018


80 x 60 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Petro Lebedynets was born in Ukraine in 1956.
Education: Kyiv State Academy of Arts (1978-1984).
Member of National Artists’ Union of Ukraine since 1990.
Participant of “Our Heritage” festival in New-York (National Arts Club and Metropolitan Museum, 2009)
«Artist of the Year» prizewinner. International Art Festival in Kyiv in 1997.
Prizewinner in the Art Competition dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the UNO in Ukraine (Kyiv, 1996)
Prizewinner of International Modern Art Show in Nice in 1996.

80 x 60 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Petro Lebedynets was born in Ukraine in 1956. Education: Kyiv State Academy of Arts (1978-1984). Member of National Artists’ Union […]

Blue lagoon

130 x 100 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

130 x 100 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which […]

Blue morning

90 x 90 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Nina Reznichenko was born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions since 1996.

90 x 90 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Nina Reznichenko was born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions […]


60 x 80 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv .
In 2011, graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design. The artist is a member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 2017. Participated in numerous national and international exhibitions, plein airs, and residences. Since 2017 a member of the National Artists Community of Ukraine. Lives and works in Lviv.

60 x 80 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023 Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv . In 2011, […]


60 x 80 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2021

Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv .
In 2011, graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design. The artist is a member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 2017. Participated in numerous national and international exhibitions, plein airs, and residences. Since 2017 a member of the National Artists Community of Ukraine. Lives and works in Lviv.

60 x 80 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2021 Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv . In 2011, […]


60 x 70 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv .
In 2011, graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design. The artist is a member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 2017. Participated in numerous national and international exhibitions, plein airs, and residences. Since 2017 a member of the National Artists Community of Ukraine. Lives and works in Lviv.

60 x 70 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023 Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv . In 2011, […]


150 x 100 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Petro Lebedynets was born in Ukraine in 1956.
Education: Kyiv State Academy of Arts (1978-1984).
Member of National Artists’ Union of Ukraine since 1990.
Participant of “Our Heritage” festival in New-York (National Arts Club and Metropolitan Museum, 2009)
«Artist of the Year» prizewinner. International Art Festival in Kyiv in 1997.
Prizewinner in the Art Competition dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the UNO in Ukraine (Kyiv, 1996)
Prizewinner of International Modern Art Show in Nice in 1996.

150 x 100 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Petro Lebedynets was born in Ukraine in 1956. Education: Kyiv State Academy of Arts (1978-1984). Member of National Artists’ Union […]


80 x 60 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Alla Alekseeva was born in the Zaporizhzhia region.
She became a completely independent creative person a long time ago. She has gone through a long path of doubts, attempts, mistakes, insights and discoveries, everything that makes up creative experience. He experiments a lot in painting with active color, texture, and plastic.
Artistic strategy – refers to the cult of color as a philosophy of life. At the same time, a peculiar view can be traced, which lies in the plane of modern art.
Explores movement and transformation, plane and space in generalized plastic forms. Such a degree of freedom is characteristic, from which a joyful state of being flows, decorated in a happy combination of form and content.


80 x 60 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Alla Alekseeva was born in the Zaporizhzhia region. She became a completely independent creative person a long time ago. She […]


80 x 70 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Alla Alekseeva was born in the Zaporizhzhia region.
She became a completely independent creative person a long time ago. She has gone through a long path of doubts, attempts, mistakes, insights and discoveries, everything that makes up creative experience. He experiments a lot in painting with active color, texture, and plastic.
Artistic strategy – refers to the cult of color as a philosophy of life. At the same time, a peculiar view can be traced, which lies in the plane of modern art.
Explores movement and transformation, plane and space in generalized plastic forms. Such a degree of freedom is characteristic, from which a joyful state of being flows, decorated in a happy combination of form and content.

80 x 70 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Alla Alekseeva was born in the Zaporizhzhia region. She became a completely independent creative person a long time ago. She […]


60 x 90 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv .
In 2011, graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design. The artist is a member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 2017. Participated in numerous national and international exhibitions, plein airs, and residences. Since 2017 a member of the National Artists Community of Ukraine. Lives and works in Lviv.

60 x 90 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Natalia Zastavna was born in 1988 in New Rozdol, which is situated not far from Lviv . In 2011, graduated […]


60 x 90 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, plein airs, and won prizes and awards as a painter and sculptor. Among them is the O. de Balzac Prize of the Alliance Française organization (2013), a first-degree diploma in the art project “Abstract Art-2019” (Ivano-Frankivsk), a diploma of the international exhibition of abstract painting “ART-ACT 2019” (Chernivtsi), the Grand Prix of the International Triennial “Silver Square-2021” (2021), etc.

She has held more than 20 solo exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. The artist’s works were exhibited at Contemporary Art Kyiv, Lviv Fashion Week, ART ZURICH, Art Paris, RHY Art Fire Basel, Lviv Art Days, International Triennial SILVER QUADRANGLE. She is a participant of numerous charity projects, including We & The World Kozytskyi Charity Foundation. Her works are part of private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Germany, the USA, France, Spain, and Switzerland.

She lives and works in Lviv.

60 x 90 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, plein […]


60 x 90 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Anna Atoyan is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the Lviv Academy of Arts. Since 2004, she has been holding exhibitions and participating in plein airs in Ukraine and abroad: Poland, Belarus, Armenia, Lithuania, and Spain.
Anna Atoyan participated in the ART Kyiv festival as a member of the Zelena Kanapa Gallery in 2008 and the Fine Art 2011 festival at Mystetskyi Arsenal. She received diplomas from the Autumn Salon in Lviv in 2012, 2013, and 2014. In 2020, she received the second prize at the All-Ukrainian Biennale of Levkas (White Light Gallery, Kyiv).
Works in the following techniques: batik, levkas, and painting.

60 x 90 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Anna Atoyan is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the […]

Together forever

150 x 100 cm

Oil on canvas, golden petal

Year – 2023

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

150 x 100 cm Oil on canvas, golden petal Year – 2023 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed […]

Sonia`s Delaunay morning

100 x 80 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Anna Atoyan is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the Lviv Academy of Arts. Since 2004, she has been holding exhibitions and participating in plein airs in Ukraine and abroad: Poland, Belarus, Armenia, Lithuania, and Spain.
Anna Atoyan participated in the ART Kyiv festival as a member of the Zelena Kanapa Gallery in 2008 and the Fine Art 2011 festival at Mystetskyi Arsenal. She received diplomas from the Autumn Salon in Lviv in 2012, 2013, and 2014. In 2020, she received the second prize at the All-Ukrainian Biennale of Levkas (White Light Gallery, Kyiv).
Works in the following techniques: batik, levkas, and painting.

100 x 80 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Anna Atoyan is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the […]

Escape from the Edem

88 x 88 cm

Hot batik

Year – 2019

Anna Atoyan  is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the Lviv Academy of Arts. Since 2004, she has been holding exhibitions and participating in plein airs in Ukraine and abroad: Poland, Belarus, Armenia, Lithuania, and Spain.
Anna Atoyan participated in the ART Kyiv festival as a member of the Zelena Kanapa Gallery in 2008 and the Fine Art 2011 festival at Mystetskyi Arsenal. She received diplomas from the Autumn Salon in Lviv in 2012, 2013, and 2014. In 2020, she received the second prize at the All-Ukrainian Biennale of Levkas (White Light Gallery, Kyiv).
Works in the following techniques: batik, levkas, and painting.

88 x 88 cm Hot batik Year – 2019 Anna Atoyan  is born in Lviv in 1967, she is a graduate of the Department of Art Glass at the Lviv […]

Portrait of a stranger

120 x 70 cm

Year – 2021

Nina Reznichenko is born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions since 1996.

120 x 70 cm Year – 2021 Nina Reznichenko is born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions since 1996.

Green vase

80 x 70 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Nina Reznichenko is born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions since 1996.

80 x 70 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Nina Reznichenko is born on 25 April 1973 in Bukovyna. Graduated from Vyzhnytsia College of Applied Arts. Participates in exhibitions […]


41 х 23 х 13 cm

Fireclay, enamels

Year – 2022

Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, plein airs, and won prizes and awards as a painter and sculptor. Among them is the O. de Balzac Prize of the Alliance Française organization (2013), a first-degree diploma in the art project “Abstract Art-2019” (Ivano-Frankivsk), a diploma of the international exhibition of abstract painting “ART-ACT 2019” (Chernivtsi), the Grand Prix of the International Triennial “Silver Square-2021” (2021), etc.

She has held more than 20 solo exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. The artist’s works were exhibited at Contemporary Art Kyiv, Lviv Fashion Week, ART ZURICH, Art Paris, RHY Art Fire Basel, Lviv Art Days, International Triennial SILVER QUADRANGLE. She is a participant of numerous charity projects, including We & The World Kozytskyi Charity Foundation. Her works are part of private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Germany, the USA, France, Spain, and Switzerland.

She lives and works in Lviv.

41 х 23 х 13 cm Fireclay, enamels Year – 2022 Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, […]

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Breath of summer

80 x 120 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2021

Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, plein airs, and won prizes and awards as a painter and sculptor. Among them is the O. de Balzac Prize of the Alliance Française organization (2013), a first-degree diploma in the art project “Abstract Art-2019” (Ivano-Frankivsk), a diploma of the international exhibition of abstract painting “ART-ACT 2019” (Chernivtsi), the Grand Prix of the International Triennial “Silver Square-2021” (2021), etc.

She has held more than 20 solo exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. The artist’s works were exhibited at Contemporary Art Kyiv, Lviv Fashion Week, ART ZURICH, Art Paris, RHY Art Fire Basel, Lviv Art Days, International Triennial SILVER QUADRANGLE. She is a participant of numerous charity projects, including We & The World Kozytskyi Charity Foundation. Her works are part of private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Germany, the USA, France, Spain, and Switzerland.

She lives and works in Lviv.

80 x 120 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2021 Liudmyla Davydenko works in the field of abstract associative painting and ceramics. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions, plein […]


150 x 100 cm

Year – 2023

Sergiy Hai is born in 1959 in Lviv where currently lives and works. Graduated from Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Art in 1986. The artist is a member of the National Artist’s Union of Ukraine since 1995. Since 2003 is a member of the “BG-ART” association. According to the edition “100 Artists. Modern and Contemporary Ukrainian Art Since Independence.” belongs to a hundred of the best artists in Ukraine. Teaches pictorial art at the design department of National Forestry and Wood-Technology University of Ukraine in Lviv.

150 x 100 cm Year – 2023 Sergiy Hai is born in 1959 in Lviv where currently lives and works. Graduated from Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Art […]

Conversation with the Wind

100 x 80 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

Ivan Turetsky graduated from Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts in 1982. He works in painting, drawing and heraldry. He is also a member of the National Union of Artists in Ukraine, and his works are exhibited in private collections in Ukraine and abroad.The artist was born on August 17, 1956 in Krasnoyarsk (Russian Federation). He graduated from the Lviv Art College which was named after I.Trush. In 1982, he graduated from the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (nowadays known as Lviv National Art Academy). He is a member of the Union of Artists in Ukraine, and is also one of the founders and members of the “Ukrainian Heraldry Society.” He is the co-author of the Coat of Arms of Ukraine, with awards and emblems from state and city agencies. He worked for the Union of Ukrainian Philatelists in Austria and created more than 60 projects. He participated in the development of the draft cards to play in the category VIENNA MELAHGE de Luxe for the firm PIATNIK. He was a member of the international open art fair. His works are in private collections in Europe and America. His major exhibitions are as follows: A personal exhibition in gallery “Artes” in Lviv, Ukraine, 1989. Solo exhibition at the Museum of Ethnography. Lviv, Ukraine, 1993. Artists of the city. Freiburg, Germany, 1996. Art Festival. Kiev, Ukraine, 1996. Euro-Art. Geneva, Switzerland, 1997. Euro-Art. Geneva, Switzerland, 1998. Personal exhibition in the salon-gallery Porsche Vienna, Austria, 2001. Personal exhibition in the hall of the Coat of Arms in the Vienna City Hall. Vienna, Austria, 2003. “Lviv Autumn Salon” Lviv, Ukraine, 2009. Kirovohrad Art Museum. Kirovograd, Ukraine, 2011. Odessa Art Museum. Odessa, Ukraine, 2011. Museum of books and printing of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine, 2012. The exhibition “Seasons,” Café Gallery “Shtuka,” Lviv, Ukraine, 2013. Order of the National Bank of Belarus (coins) “Zodiac,” 2013. Plein Air. Lantsut, Poland, 2013. International Plein Air in Kremenets (Ukraine) and Kazimierz Dolny (Poland), 2013. Permanent exhibition in the gallery “Yana,” Kyiv, 2012-2014.

100 x 80 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023 Ivan Turetsky graduated from Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts in 1982. He works in painting, drawing […]

The Ukrainian tragedy

150 x 100 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2022

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

150 x 100 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2022 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique […]

Ukraine dressed in black

140 x 100 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2022

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

140 x 100 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2022 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique […]

Crucifixion of Bucha

150 x 100 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2022

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

150 x 100 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2022 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique […]

Victorious Ukraine

150 x 100 cm

Oil, golden patal on canvas

Year – 2022

Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a unique style in which she explores and expresses various aspects of Ukrainian cultural heritage and modernity.

Her works cover a range of themes, from traditional Ukrainian folk art to more abstract and conceptual ideas, including social and political critique. She is known for her colorful compositions where bright colors mix with darker and more saturated tones, creating dynamic and emotionally charged scenes. Her works have been exhibited at many international exhibitions and appreciated by critics for their innovative approach and aesthetic beauty. Oksana Henedysh continues to influence contemporary art in Ukraine, contributing to the development of the country’s art and culture.

Oksana’s works are distinguished by a deep understanding and interpretation of traditional Ukrainian motifs and symbols. She uses vibrant colors, complex geometric shapes, and intriguing textures to create artworks that are both contemporary and deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture. Her works often feature motifs of nature as symbols of renewal and eternity. Oksana constantly seeks new ways to express her art, not afraid to experiment with various materials and techniques.

150 x 100 cm Oil, golden patal on canvas Year – 2022 Oksana Henedysh is a renowned artist from Ukraine. Over the years of her creative career, Oksana has developed a […]

Breath of peonies

170 x 170 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

170 x 170 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023


250 x 135 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

250 x 135 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023

Gold and peonies

170 x 170 cm

Oil, acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

170 x 170 cm Oil, acrylic on canvas Year – 2023

Lilac paradise

40 x 48 cm

Silk, ink, watercolor on paper

Year – 2010

Oksana Protsiv was born in 1961 in Chimkent, Kazakhstan. In 1984 she graduated from the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (now the Lviv National Academy of Arts). Since 1992 she has been presenting her works at exhibitions. Participant of regional, national and international exhibitions.

She is engaged in easel graphics, painting, iconography. His works can be found in galleries and private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Poland, and the Netherlands. He lives and works in Lviv.
The works are made in the original technique: paper, silk, ink, pen, watercolor.

40 x 48 cm Silk, ink, watercolor on paper Year – 2010 Oksana Protsiv was born in 1961 in Chimkent, Kazakhstan. In 1984 she graduated from the Lviv State Institute […]


54 x 44 cm

Silk, ink, watercolor on canvas

Year – 2010

Oksana Protsiv was born in 1961 in Chimkent, Kazakhstan. In 1984 she graduated from the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (now the Lviv National Academy of Arts). Since 1992 she has been presenting her works at exhibitions. Participant of regional, national and international exhibitions.

She is engaged in easel graphics, painting, iconography. His works can be found in galleries and private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Canada, Poland, and the Netherlands. He lives and works in Lviv.
The works are made in the original technique: paper, silk, ink, pen, watercolor.

54 x 44 cm Silk, ink, watercolor on canvas Year – 2010 Oksana Protsiv was born in 1961 in Chimkent, Kazakhstan. In 1984 she graduated from the Lviv State Institute […]

The robbery of Europe

47 x 57 cm

Silk, ink, watercolor on paper, author’s technique

Year – 1995

Ivan Protsiv was born in 1958 in the village of Kniazholuka, Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Lviv Art School named after I. Trush (1977), Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (1984) – Faculty of Interior and Furniture Design. Since 1986 he has been participating in exhibitions. Participant of regional, national and international exhibitions. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1992. “Honored Artist of Ukraine since 2008.
Author of more than 20 personal and participant of more than 150 exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad.

47 x 57 cm Silk, ink, watercolor on paper, author’s technique Year – 1995 Ivan Protsiv was born in 1958 in the village of Kniazholuka, Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from […]

Winter still life

70 x 80 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2018

Viktor Zhmak has been creating since his childhood until now. There are several interesting facts, such as one that during the work process, he cannot be distracted because he is completely immersed in the creation of a new masterpiece. Victor is a huge buff of delicious coffee, but he only makes it in a Turkish coffee pot, he also likes to spend time alone with nature and he considers the cat to be the best friend of a human. In addition to artistic activities, Viktor’s favorite hobby is fishing. Sometimes gets inspired and happily combines both.

Viktor was born in 1954 in Ukraine and in 1978 graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University (a Department of Architecture). In 1995 Viktor launched his career as a professional artist in Russia. His first 5 exhibitions took place in Ivanovo. In 1997 Viktor`s artworks were exhibited at Lviv Palace of Arts and in 2001 he had a solo collective exhibition in Hanover, Germany. From 1997 till now Viktor has been presenting a huge number of private exhibitions in Ukraine. Viktor is also well-known all over the world and his personal exhibitions have already taken place in China Beijing, Germany, Moscow Ukrainian Cultural Center, Italy, and Croatia.

70 x 80 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2018 Viktor Zhmak has been creating since his childhood until now. There are several interesting facts, such as one that during […]

My sea

100 x 100 cm

Acrylic on textile

Year – 2022

Olena Zvir was born in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 11, 1954.
Member of Ukrainian National Artist Union.
Member of Ukrainian-American Artist Union “Fate”.
In 1982 she graduated from Lviv National Academy of Arts with a Master of Fine Arts degree in the Textile department.
Most of her works are in private collections all over the world.

100 x 100 cm Acrylic on textile Year – 2022 Olena Zvir was born in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 11, 1954. Member of Ukrainian National Artist Union. Member of Ukrainian-American […]

Life of Agave

70 x 100 cm

Acrylic on canvas

Year – 2023

Olena Zvir was born in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 11, 1954.
Member of Ukrainian National Artist Union.
Member of Ukrainian-American Artist Union “Fate”.
In 1982 she graduated from Lviv National Academy of Arts with a Master of Fine Arts degree in the Textile department.
Most of her works are in private collections all over the world.

70 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas Year – 2023 Olena Zvir was born in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 11, 1954. Member of Ukrainian National Artist Union. Member of Ukrainian-American […]

In the workshop

92 x 65 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2018

Natalia Pukhinda resides and works in Lviv, Ukraine. She was born on January 23, 1955, in Kropyvnytskyi (formerly Kirovohrad) in central Ukraine, where she completed her art school education in 1970. In 1975, she graduated from the Odessa State Art School named after M. B. Grekov. In 1982, she completed her studies at the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts. Since 1976, she has been actively participating in art events. She is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Natalia Pukhinda works in the fields of easel and monumental painting, as well as graphics.

92 x 65 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2018 Natalia Pukhinda resides and works in Lviv, Ukraine. She was born on January 23, 1955, in Kropyvnytskyi (formerly Kirovohrad) in […]

Wild beach. Croatia

100 x 70 cm

Watercolor, oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Marina Dobrovolskaya was born in 1986 in Kharkiv.  In 2009, she graduated from the GS Faculty of the Kharkiv National Academy of urban economy with a degree in architecture.  Member of the Kharkiv Organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (graphics section) since 2018.  Participated in numerous All-Ukrainian exhibitions and international Plein-airs.  His works are in private collections in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Spain, England, and America.  Now he lives in Kyiv, is engaged in private orders and teaching activities in art studios, and works in the technique of graphics, in the genre of portrait, landscape, and still life.
The peculiarity of the artist is in her individual style of performance: the author works in a mixed technique of watercolors, pastels, and oil, which gives the works a sense of lightness, airiness, and volume.  A special place in her work is occupied by portraits, which pay great attention to detail the transmission of a person’s character.  In the technique of pencil, as well as mixed (pencil with liner), the artist depicts the urban landscape – one of her favorite subjects, which is due to her training at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning under the guidance of excellent teachers: N. I. Krivoruchko, V. P. Manokhin, V. A. Kodin, L. A. Bogdanova and others.

100 x 70 cm Watercolor, oil on canvas Year – 2023 Marina Dobrovolskaya was born in 1986 in Kharkiv.  In 2009, she graduated from the GS Faculty of the Kharkiv […]

Roofs of Croatia

100 x 80 cm

Watercolor, oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Marina Dobrovolskaya was born in 1986 in Kharkiv.  In 2009, she graduated from the GS Faculty of the Kharkiv National Academy of urban economy with a degree in architecture.  Member of the Kharkiv Organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (graphics section) since 2018.  Participated in numerous All-Ukrainian exhibitions and international Plein-airs.  His works are in private collections in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Spain, England, and America.  Now he lives in Kyiv, is engaged in private orders and teaching activities in art studios, and works in the technique of graphics, in the genre of portrait, landscape, and still life.
The peculiarity of the artist is in her individual style of performance: the author works in a mixed technique of watercolors, pastels, and oil, which gives the works a sense of lightness, airiness, and volume.  A special place in her work is occupied by portraits, which pay great attention to detail the transmission of a person’s character.  In the technique of pencil, as well as mixed (pencil with liner), the artist depicts the urban landscape – one of her favorite subjects, which is due to her training at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning under the guidance of excellent teachers: N. I. Krivoruchko, V. P. Manokhin, V. A. Kodin, L. A. Bogdanova and others.

100 x 80 cm Watercolor, oil on canvas Year – 2023 Marina Dobrovolskaya was born in 1986 in Kharkiv.  In 2009, she graduated from the GS Faculty of the Kharkiv […]

Stay, Please Stay Forever

80 x 30 x 18 cm

Thermoplastic, graphite and acrylic

Year – 2018

Kseniya Oudenot is a Ukrainian born British artist living and working in Paris and London.
“The meaning of this work brings to the audience that there are moments in life, which are good and happy, especially closeness with the loved ones, you want them to last forever. But they vanish in time and sometimes time forces us to say goodbye to our loved ones. Therefore, this work acts as a ghost, something that disappears in time…”
Price 500 €. The artist will donate it to help Ukraine.

80 x 30 x 18 cm Thermoplastic, graphite and acrylic Year – 2018 Kseniya Oudenot is a Ukrainian born British artist living and working in Paris and London. “The meaning […]


100 x 80 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Alina Khrapchynska is Ukrainian artist, painter, graphic designer, and teacher.

Member of the German Union of Artists( BBK Köln) since 2022.
The winner of the international open-air competition “Best Artist 2020” (l nominations)
Winner of the international plein-air competition “Best Artist 2021” (Grand Prix)
Participant of many international, republican, regional, and city exhibitions and plein airs. Has personal exhibitions.

Works in the field of easel painting, wall painting, and graphics. Main genre preferences: landscape, portrait, still life, plot composition. The artist’s works are in private, public, and museum collections in Ukraine, USA, China, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, and other countries of the world.

100 x 80 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Alina Khrapchynska is Ukrainian artist, painter, graphic designer, and teacher. Member of the German Union of Artists( BBK Köln) since […]

Before the storm

80 x 100 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2023

Alina Khrapchynska is Ukrainian artist, painter, graphic designer, and teacher.

Member of the German Union of Artists( BBK Köln) since 2022.
The winner of the international open-air competition “Best Artist 2020” (l nominations)
Winner of the international plein-air competition “Best Artist 2021” (Grand Prix)
Participant of many international, republican, regional, and city exhibitions and plein airs. Has personal exhibitions.

Works in the field of easel painting, wall painting, and graphics. Main genre preferences: landscape, portrait, still life, plot composition. The artist’s works are in private, public, and museum collections in Ukraine, USA, China, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, and other countries of the world.

80 x 100 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2023 Alina Khrapchynska is Ukrainian artist, painter, graphic designer, and teacher. Member of the German Union of Artists( BBK Köln) since […]

Morning on Punta Planka

130 x 80 cm

Oil on canvas

Year – 2006

Pink and blue tones of the calm sky above the church of Ivan of Trogir, in the background a seascape and a lighthouse.

130 x 80 cm Oil on canvas Year – 2006 Pink and blue tones of the calm sky above the church of Ivan of Trogir, in the background a seascape […]


“Temptation” is a painting that skillfully employs the use of color and symbolism to portray the tantalizing allure of forbidden desires. It is a captivating tableau where the dichotomy of innocence and desire converge and clash. A girl is holding a red apple, an icon of temptation. This object, pulsating with an almost provocative brightness, acts as an invitation to transgress, to taste the forbidden, to succumb to the allure of sweet sin. The girl’s eyes twinkle with a blend of innocence and something more knowing, tempting the viewer into her narrative.

Turquoise, the predominant hue, washes over the canvas, imbuing the scene with an almost surreal tranquility. Yet, it is also a color of mystery and enigma, which further deepens the mesmerizing quality of the artwork. It hints at the veiled realities of the girl’s world, which are as beautiful and complex as they are inscrutable. In stark contrast to the calming turquoise is the red color. Its vibrant intensity signifies the passion and boldness associated with succumbing to temptation, making the fruit appear as a living entity brimming with the promise of indulgence.

In “Temptation,” what seems like a simple narrative transforms into a profound exploration of human nature and desire, as it skilfully probes the enthralling dance between the sweet allure of sin and the virtue of innocence.

Oil on canvas, acrylic, gold leaf
100 x 130 cm
Year – 2006


A sailboat gliding along the waves against the wind, the complete opposite of a calm sky.

Oil on canvas
120 x 70 cm
Year – 2006


A beautiful flower, a symbol of love for one’s homeland, one’s people and one’s parents’ home. She is depicted in the picture as a beautiful girl who seems to reach for the sun.

Oil on canvas
100 x 200 cm
Year – 2019

My Madonna

A young woman with a child is a virgin holding a blessed child in her arms, sleeping carefree on her mother’s breast. This painting is the artist’s dream of an heir.

Oil on canvas
80 x 80 cm
Year – 2010

Golden Olive

This image is an ode to the olive tree in whose veins flows the divine golden nectar – olive oil. From ancient times the olive branch is a symbol of peace. In the Bible, Noah was brought by a dove from the Most High himself, as a sign that the verse of his anger at people and the world flood had been stopped. The olive tree was the first to grow after the Flood, so its branch became a message of peace between God and Man.

Oil on canvas, gold leaf
130 x 100 cm
Year – 2020


Daughter of King Argos Acrisia. He once heard a visionary predict that his grandson would kill him. Frightened, the king decided to imprison his daughter. But the god Zeus, in love with Danae, descended with a golden rain on his beloved.

Oil on canvas
80 x 160 cm
Year – 2014


According to the ancient legend of “Ataahua” (the indigenous people of South America called bougainvillea by that name), once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl. The evil sorceress envied her beauty and turned her into a vine with indescribable little flowers, but the gods took pity
on the unfortunate woman and allowed her to “bloom” with leaves.

Oil on canvas
130 x 100 cm
year – 2020

Angels and Demons

Angels – God’s messengers, Demons – are fallen angels who were cast out of heaven after rebelling against God. From ancient times until today, there has been an invisible confrontation, for the most valuable – the human soul. Pictured is a fight for a child who has not yet been born. However, after birth he has to choose his own path.

Oil on canvas, acrylic, gold leaf
160 x 100 cm
Year – 2020

Tulips in the air

This image conveys all the pleasure and lightness experienced by a person observing the beauty of white tulips. How tender and weightless they are, as if hovering in the air.

Oil on canvas
70 x 40 cm
year – 2014


The embossed and rough surface of the painting is a reflection of the feelings that overwhelmed the artist at the time of creation. Painted with energetic movements, sunflowers give the impression of being alive – heavy inflorescences filled with inner strength and elastic flexible stems are in constant motion, maturing and a vein before the eyes of the beholder.

Oil on canvas
80 x 70 cm
Year – 2006


The combination of white and pink shades, carefully painted peony petals, on a gray-blue background create a feeling of serenity and luxury.

Oil on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Year – 2014

Still life with a candle

Fruit on a plate, grapes, lemon on a silver platter and a candle, half peeled tangerine. This is an imaginary production of objects that are not interconnected in the plot, and are in the spirit of still life, as a special genre, where the artist is free to determine his compositional direction.

Oil on canvas
100 x 80 cm
Year – 2014

Still life with lemon

Mood ideal for drinking tea, quiet calm and harmony of the inner world.

Oil on canvas
60 x 90 cm
Year – 2016

Still life with a jug

Static balance of objects and fruits. Aesthetics and harmony are all around us, even in simple things.

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Year – 2014


In the Garden of Eden, the serpent (image of Satan) persuaded Eve to taste the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Having tried it herself, she persuaded Adam to taste the fruit.
Angry at them, the Lord banished them from paradise.

Oil on canvas
120 x 80 cm
Year – 2013

We will donate 30% of this sale to aid Ukraine.

The sea waves, covered with white ridges of foam speak of eternity, you just have to listen to them.

Oil on canvas
130 x 100 cm
Year – 2019

White peonies

According to ancient Greek legend, the goddess Aphrodite turned the beautiful nymph Peony into a flower to save her from the harassment of Apollo who was in love with her. Since then we can only admire such a perfect flower as a symbol of chastity and beauty.

Oil on canvas
130×100 cm
Year – 2020