The robbery of Europe

Ivan Protsiv


47 x 57 cm

Silk, ink, watercolor on paper, author’s technique

Year – 1995

Ivan Protsiv was born in 1958 in the village of Kniazholuka, Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Lviv Art School named after I. Trush (1977), Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (1984) – Faculty of Interior and Furniture Design. Since 1986 he has been participating in exhibitions. Participant of regional, national and international exhibitions. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1992. “Honored Artist of Ukraine since 2008.
Author of more than 20 personal and participant of more than 150 exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad.



47 x 57 cm

Silk, ink, watercolor on paper, author’s technique

Year – 1995

Ivan Protsiv was born in 1958 in the village of Kniazholuka, Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Lviv Art School named after I. Trush (1977), Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (1984) – Faculty of Interior and Furniture Design. Since 1986 he has been participating in exhibitions. Participant of regional, national and international exhibitions. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1992. “Honored Artist of Ukraine since 2008.
Author of more than 20 personal and participant of more than 150 exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad.

Additional information

Dimensions 47 × 57 cm