Summer day

Tetiana Mohylat


In the quietude of dawn, where the sun kisses the world awake, there lies a coastal haven — an artist’s canvas that whispers tales of tranquility. A scene suspended between reality and reverie, where the brushstrokes of Tetiana Mohylat breathe life into nature’s symphony.


The sun, a golden orb, spills its warmth upon the pebbled shore. Here, a small boat rests, its wooden hull cradled by the gentle waves. Each ripple carries secrets — the echoes of fishermen’s laughter, the whispered promises of seafarers, and the timeless dance of tides.

Beyond the shoreline, a rugged promontory thrusts forth—a sentinel of emerald cliffs. Verdant greenery clings to its rocky face, defying the salt-laden winds. At its pinnacle, a solitary pine stands sentinel, its branches reaching for the cerulean sky.

And oh, those distant mountains! Their peaks pierce the heavens, their snow-capped crowns kissed by the same sun that warms our boat. They guard the horizon, steadfast and eternal, their jagged profiles etched against the azure canvas.

The sea, a palette of blues, shifts with each breath of wind. It cradles memories — the laughter of children collecting seashells, lovers tracing heart shapes in the sand, and the whispered prayers of sailors seeking safe passage.

This painting invites us to linger — to feel the warmth of sun-kissed pebbles beneath our feet, to listen to the lullaby of waves, and to lose ourselves in the serenity of this coastal sanctuary.



In the quietude of dawn, where the sun kisses the world awake, there lies a coastal haven — an artist’s canvas that whispers tales of tranquility. A scene suspended between reality and reverie, where the brushstrokes of Tetiana Mohylat breathe life into nature’s symphony.


The sun, a golden orb, spills its warmth upon the pebbled shore. Here, a small boat rests, its wooden hull cradled by the gentle waves. Each ripple carries secrets — the echoes of fishermen’s laughter, the whispered promises of seafarers, and the timeless dance of tides.

Beyond the shoreline, a rugged promontory thrusts forth—a sentinel of emerald cliffs. Verdant greenery clings to its rocky face, defying the salt-laden winds. At its pinnacle, a solitary pine stands sentinel, its branches reaching for the cerulean sky.

And oh, those distant mountains! Their peaks pierce the heavens, their snow-capped crowns kissed by the same sun that warms our boat. They guard the horizon, steadfast and eternal, their jagged profiles etched against the azure canvas.

The sea, a palette of blues, shifts with each breath of wind. It cradles memories — the laughter of children collecting seashells, lovers tracing heart shapes in the sand, and the whispered prayers of sailors seeking safe passage.

This painting invites us to linger — to feel the warmth of sun-kissed pebbles beneath our feet, to listen to the lullaby of waves, and to lose ourselves in the serenity of this coastal sanctuary.

Additional information

Dimensions 70 × 100 cm