Tetiana Mohylat
Tetiana was born in 1966 in Kyiv. She received her primary art education at the Ivano-Frankivsk Children’s Art School. In 1981-84, she studied at the Taras Shevchenko Republican Art High School, painting class (teachers – E. Zvezdov, B. Milkovytskyi). From 1984-89, she studied at the Department of Book Design and Illustration of the Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute named after I. Fedorov (teachers H. Sanotska, V. Ovchynnikov, M. Taranov). 1989-92, she worked as a designer at the OPKTB “Edelweiss”, Uzhhorod. Since 2001, she has been the head of the art department at the Kos-Anatolskyi Children’s and Youth Art School No. 1. She works in the field of book and easel graphics, and easel painting. She designed a number of books for the publishing house “Karpaty”, Uzhhorod. She has been a member of the NUAU since 2015. She participates in regional and all-Ukrainian exhibitions. Participant of international plein airs. Her works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad.