Stay, Please Stay Forever

Kseniya Oudenot


80 x 30 x 18 cm

Thermoplastic, graphite and acrylic

Year – 2018

Kseniya Oudenot is a Ukrainian born British artist living and working in Paris and London.
“The meaning of this work brings to the audience that there are moments in life, which are good and happy, especially closeness with the loved ones, you want them to last forever. But they vanish in time and sometimes time forces us to say goodbye to our loved ones. Therefore, this work acts as a ghost, something that disappears in time…”
Price 500 €. The artist will donate it to help Ukraine.


80 x 30 x 18 cm

Thermoplastic, graphite and acrylic

Year – 2018

Kseniya Oudenot is a Ukrainian born British artist living and working in Paris and London.
“The meaning of this work brings to the audience that there are moments in life, which are good and happy, especially closeness with the loved ones, you want them to last forever. But they vanish in time and sometimes time forces us to say goodbye to our loved ones. Therefore, this work acts as a ghost, something that disappears in time…”
Price 500 €. The artist will donate it to help Ukraine.

Additional information

Dimensions 30 × 18 cm